Illaroo Road Public School

Reach For The Sky

Telephone02 4421 0422

Student Welfare

We are happy to announce that from Term 3, 2013 Melissa McHugh has been appointed to Illaroo Road Public School as a student welfare worker. She is employed for two days per week under the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare initiative, a program funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. Student welfare workers are fully qualified and experienced youth workers employed by the YWCA NSW.

The role of the student welfare worker includes delivering individual and small group sessions integrated into the school welfare program. Topics covered include, but are not restricted to, anti-bullying, resilience, communication, social skills and conflict resolution. The student welfare worker works alongside school staff in the delivery of welfare services to support students.

This is a voluntary program. Parent/caregivers who do not want their child to participate in any services being offered under this program should notify the principal in writing.

While the key tasks of the school student welfare worker will vary depending on the needs of the individual school community, they could include:

  • working closely with, and/or as part of the learning support team to plan for, and deliver, student resilience and wellbeing services
  • providing students, their families and staff with support and or appropriate referrals, in difficult situations such as during times of grief or when students are facing personal or emotional challenges
  • organising individual or small group sessions with students, parents, staff and other members of the school community as requested and required by the school community
  • delivering leadership and support programs
  • participating in school activities such as sport, camps, excursions
  • contributing to school newsletters
  • reporting to school community organisations on service provision within the school community
  • attending Parents & Citizens' or equivalent parent body meetings to provide details of the program and the services that are available.

When delivering services under the Program, the student welfare worker must adhere to the program guidelines and the code of conduct.